حمّل تطبيق منهاجي الجديد

منهاجي صار أسرع من خلال التطبيق


Exercises of Student’s Book


2   Read the article and check your answers.


The two products are very useful, particularly to people living in Africa and other places where homes are without electricity.



3   Read the article again and answer the questions.

  1. What do the pronouns in bold refer to?

they (line 14): people who haven't got electricity

it (line 16): Emily's fridge

they (line 29): African women and children

  1. How are Emily's products different from the usual ones we know of?

They are low-cost products that don't use electricity./They are made of old parts and objects./People can use them for different purposes.

  1. How did Emily develop her skills when she was younger?

She used to make things from waste material and from old things she found in her grandfather's garden.

  1. Why didn't Emily sell her fridge design?

That's because she didn't want to make a profit, and she gave the design to people in Africa instead.

  1. Other than water, what can the water carrier be used for?

It can be used to carry firewood or other heavy objects.

  1. What other low-cost inventions do you think Emily could make to make life in Africa easier?

Students' own answers

  1. What skills and qualities do you think one should have to make such inventions?

Students' own answers



4   Find in the text …

  1. two words that are parts of a car. wheel, tyre
  2. two words that mean something that holds another thing. carrier, container
  3. a word that means something you use for fixing things. tool
  4. a phrase that means the opposite of 'for free'. for profit
  5. a word that means guidance you give to someone on how to do something. instructions
  6. a word that means a thing you get if you have done something that helps lots of people. award
  7. a word that means unwanted or unusable. waste



5   Work in a group. What do you think about Emily's inventions?

Have a debate about which invention is more useful.

Students' own answers



6   Match the verbs with the correct phrases.

  1. set up   b  a business
  2. do   a  market research
  3. find out   f  about your customers
  4. work out   h  your costs
  5. make   c  a profit or a loss
  6. provide   d  a service
  7. design   e  a product
  8. do   g  your accounts

إعداد : شبكة منهاجي التعليمية

27 / 08 / 2023
