
Exercises of Student’s Book


1   Listen and complete.

Susan: Noura! Where have you been?

Noura: We've just got back from our holiday. We went to (1) Peru. Why don't you come for dinner and we'll show you our photos.

Susan: I'd love to come!

Noura: … and these are some of the photos.

Susan: Mmm. Lovely photos! Where did you take them?

Noura: Well, these are from Lima. Have you ever been there?

Susan: No, we have never been to Peru. We went to Mexico two years ago, though. What are these (2) ruins?

Noura: This is the famous Machu Picchu: the lost city of the Incas.

lt's one of the largest (3) historic sites and has survived from 1537 until today.

Susan: It's amazing! What was it: a citadel, a religious (4) site?

Noura: Some specialists have suggested that Machu Picchu was a religious refuge. Others have said that it was a military (5) fortification or a prison.

Susan: I imagine people are worried about how to (6) preserve it.

Noura: Definitely! UNESCO has put it on its list of World Heritage Sites and it has named it one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.


2   Listen to the words below in context. Try to guess their meanings.



to suggest









3   Read the dialogue as a whole. Then, answer these questions in pairs.

  1. What is the different suggestions about Machu Picchu was?

Suggested answer: Machu Picchu was originally either a religious refuge, a military fortification or a prison.

  1. Why do you think UNESCO has put Machu Picchu on its list of World Heritage Sites and the New Seven Wonders of the world?

Student’s own answers

  1. What do you think people should do to preserve Machu Picchu?  

Student’s own answers



The Present Perfect Simple

1 Find the odd verb in each column.
















A taken (‘taken' is the past participle form and the other words are in the past form).

B said ('said' is in the past form and the other words are in the infinitive form).

C came (‘came' is in the past form and the other words are the past participle form).


2 Complete the factfile with the correct form of the Present Perfect Simple. Then, listen and check your answers.

FactfiIe - Angkor

  • It is located in Cambodia.
  • Archaeologists (1) have found (find) impressive monuments among its ruins.
  • Specialists (2) have concluded (conclude) that it was the largest pre-industrial city in the world.
  • People left the city in 1431.
  • French, Japanese and UNESCO archaeologists (3) have worked (work) together to renovate the buildings of the city.
  • International tourism to Angkor (4) has increased (increase) in recent years.


3 Look at the pictures. Then, write sentences using the Present Perfect Simple to ask and answer questions about what has and has not happened.

  1. What (you / eat) today?

What have you eaten today?

I have eaten pizza today.

I haven’t eaten a burger today.

  1. (it / snow) all night?

Suggested answers

Has it snowed all night?

It hasn't snowed all night. It has rained a” night. 3. Have you lived in the countryside before?

  1. (you / live) in countryside before?

Suggested answers

Have you lived in the countryside before?

I haven't lived in the countryside before. I have lived on the coast before.

  1. (Wassif / buy) a broken car?

Suggested answers

Has Wassif bought a broken car?

Wassif has bought a new car. Wassif hasn't bought a broken car.


4 Read through the table below. Then, find one mistake in each sentences and correct it.

  1. She have has explored the old city.
  2. They have ever never been to Qatar.
  3. Have you visit visited the old citadel before?
  1. I not have have not read travel books, but I like adventure ones.
  2. The students student has learnt about the monuments in Jordan.

or The students has have learnt about the monuments in Jordan.

  1. My father has took taken me to the museum twice.


Over to you …

4 Complete the dialogue with the missing words.

Have   for   seen   just

Won   ever   never

Omar: Sami! l haven't (1) seen you (2) for a long time! Where have you been?

Sami: Omar! Good to see you! I've (3) just got back from a business trip to Turkey. I had to look for some new sites for our hotel chain.

Omar: Have you found any?

Sami: Oh, yes! I found a wonderful place in Antalya. Have you (4) ever been to Antalya?

Omar: No, my family and I have been to Turkey, but we have (5) never been to Antalya.

Sami: Well, Antalya is a great place, and they have also done great work on some of the archaeological sites in the area to keep them in good condition. They've (6) won the Golden Apple tourism prize.

إعداد : شبكة منهاجي التعليمية

10 / 03 / 2019

Obaida Alsaudi


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