First section

First section


The time

1  Underline the correct answer.

  1. It’s half past tow.

It’s half to three.

  1. It’s quarter past ten.

It’s quarter to ten.

  1. It’s five to five.
    it’s five to six.
  2. It’s quarter past eight.

It’s quarter to nine.



The Present Simple (affirmative)

2  Underline the correct form of the verbs.

  1. A pilot needs courage and dedication.
  2. Airline pilots become very tired from work.
  3. Pilots have to face all types of risks.
  4. An airline pilot flies between 65 and 75 hours a month.
  5. A pilot works odd hours.


The Present Simple (negative)

3  Underline the correct form of the Verbs

  1. You don’t need experience become a fisherman.
  2.  Samira doesn’t like rally driving.
  3. Kareem's children don’t want him to work as a pilot.
  4. Kareem and his family don’t usually go on holidays together.
  5. A stuntman doesn't do simple scenes in a film.
  6. I don’t go scuba diving.


The Present Simple (interrogative)

4  Fill in the blanks with do or does.

  1. Do pilots arrive an hour before their flight?
  2. When do the passengers get on the plane?
  3. How many hours a month does a pilot fly?
  4. Do crabbers need a lot of experience?
  5. What do policemen and stuntmen have in common?
  6. Do you enjoy danger?



5  Listen to these verbs and write them in the correct column. Then repeat them.

Jumps    runs    catches    wants    does    matches

إعداد : شبكة منهاجي التعليمية

22 / 09 / 2023
