First Aid

First Aid

Concept of First Aid:

First Aid: The initial rapid actions taken by a rescuer immediately to save the life of the injured person and prevent complications resulting from the injury, according to the available resources at the scene of the accident. It is partially performed even during the process of transferring the injured person to the hospital or health center to provide appropriate medical care.


Where First Aid is given:

  1. Where the accident or injury happens.
  2. When needed on the street, at school, or other places.
  3. While the injured person is being taken to the hospital or health center.


Goals (Objectives) of First Aid:

  1. To save the injured person's life.
  2. To prevent the injured person's condition from getting worse.
  3. To help the injured person recover and reduce the impact of the injury.
  4. To encourage cooperation and helping others.


Qualities of a First Aider (Rescuer):

  • Being trained and qualified.
  • Having the necessary skills to provide first aid.
  • Being ready to do their best to help the injured person.
  • Being confident.
  • Being quick to think and make decisions.
  • Staying calm, controlling oneself, and being patient.
  • Being trustworthy.


Situations that require First Aid:

First Aid Priorities: We start by helping the most critical and life-threatening cases when there are several injured people.


Here are some situations that require First Aid:

  1. Choking:
  • Make sure the airways are clear.
  • Help remove anything blocking the person's breathing.
  • Give rescue breaths if needed.
  1. Bleeding:
  • Apply pressure to the bleeding area using a clean cloth or bandage.
  1. Nosebleeds:
  • Pinch the nose and tilt the head slightly forward to stop the bleeding.
  1. Fractures (broken bones):
  • Keep the injured body part still and supported until medical help arrives.
  1. Minor Burns:
  • Cool the burn with cold water for about 10-15 minutes.


Remember, these are basic guidelines for First Aid, and it's important to seek professional help when available.

إعداد : شبكة منهاجي التعليمية

16 / 07 / 2023
