Exercises of Activity Book

Exercises of Activity Book

1 Read and match

  1. It’s the break now.

c) We can show you around the school.

  1. This is the Lab.

e) We always have Science here.

  1.  This is the hall.

d) We have our P.E. lessons here.

  1. Here is the library.

a) We never talk here.

  1. That’s the park.

f) I always go there with my parents.

  1. Do you want to come with us?

b) Yes, thank you.


2 Read, look and complete

Hall    library    park    lab

  1. We always have Science in the lab.
  2. We always read books in the library.
  3. We do P.E. in the hall.
  4. At the weekends we ride our bikes in the park.


3 Ask and answer

  1. What’s the time? It’s quarter past nine.
  2. What’s the time? It’s quarter to three.
  3. What’s the time? It’s half past four.
  4. What’s the time? It’s eleven o’clock.


4 Complete

Always    never

  1. I always brush my teeth after breakfast.
  2. I never talk in the library.
  3. I always talk in the library.
  4. I never get up late.
  5. I never forget my schoolbooks.
  6. I always listen to my teacher.


7 Complete and write

What is your favourite subject?

Suggested answers:

My favourite subject is Islamic Education.

My favourite subject is Science.

إعداد : شبكة منهاجي التعليمية

27 / 08 / 2022
