حمّل تطبيق منهاجي الجديد

منهاجي صار أسرع من خلال التطبيق

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Exercises of Activity Book


1 Complete the sentences with the vocabulary from Module 5.

  1. Huda is a miser. She is very rich, but she still refuses to spend any money on helping children in need.
  2. Fadi is so excited about the promotion and raise. He wants to earn more money in order to buy a laptop for his mother.
  3. Nadia took a sensible decision not to eat ice cream until she feels better.
  4. Rami is so greedy. Although he got five gifts for his birthday, he still wanted more.
  5. When economies collapse, many businesspeople lose all their money and become bankrupt.



Quantity words and expressions

2 Complete the passage with the phrases from the box

a lot of money a few pennies some bread and tea

many hours much money lots of bank notes a few

I know a man in my neighbourhood who used to be a miser. Every day, Mr Salameh spent (1) many hours after work counting his money, and (2) a few hours with his family. He didn’t have (3) much money, but his only dream was to save (4) a lot of money.

One day, Mr Salameh saw a poor child selling flowers next to his house. The boy was feeling so cold that he couldn’t speak. Mr Salameh felt so sad. He brought the child (5) some bread and tea, then went to his bedroom where he kept all the money under the bed. There were (6) lots of bank notes and (7) a few pennies. Mr Salameh realized then how bad he was and decided to become a different person. He didn’t want to keep the money for himself anymore and started giving the money he had saved to charities and poor families. He also started spending more time with his family.


3 Look at the words in the box and answer the questions.

Bank note penny cheque bank account gold

  1. Which two are cash?

Bank note / penny.

  1. Which two are made of paper?

Bank note / cheque.

  1. Which two are a deal between two sides?

Bank account / cheque.

  1. Which two are made of metal?

Penny / gold.


4 Write these nouns in the correct column.

boat cheque traffic orange rain money cheese

orange juice bank note oil city penny












bank note



orange juice




5 Cross Cross out the word that you cannot use in these expressions.

  1. We have any of the same interests.
  2. Can you give me a few advice?
  3. Be careful when you cross the street. There's so many traffic on the roads.
  4. I'm not losing any weight, so maybe I should do some exercise.
  5. He's very popular. He's got a lot friends at school.


6 Complete the mini dialogue with any, some, little and much.

A: How (1) much fruit should we eat every day? I haven't had (2) any at all today. I'm sure that's not very healthy.

B: No, it isn't. You should eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Have (3) some grapes. What would you like to drink? How about (4) some orange juice?

A: OK, just a (5) little juice, please; I don't usually drink a lot of juice.

إعداد : شبكة منهاجي التعليمية

09 / 03 / 2019
