حمّل تطبيق منهاجي الجديد

منهاجي صار أسرع من خلال التطبيق

  أتدرب وأحل المسائل

أتدرب وأحل المسائل

قياس الزاوية بالراديان

أرسم في الوضع القياسي الزاوية التي عُلم قياسها في كلّ ممّا يأتي:

1) 450o

قياس الزاوية بالراديان

2) -900o

قياس الزاوية بالراديان

3) 540o

قياس الزاوية بالراديان

4) -700o

قياس الزاوية بالراديان

5) - begin mathsize 20px style straight pi over 6 end style  

قياس الزاوية بالراديان

6) begin mathsize 20px style fraction numerator 21 straight pi over denominator 4 end fraction end style

قياس الزاوية بالراديان

7) begin mathsize 20px style fraction numerator 7 straight pi over denominator 6 end fraction end style

قياس الزاوية بالراديان

8) begin mathsize 20px style straight pi over 9 end style

قياس الزاوية بالراديان


أحوّل قياس الزاوية المكتوبة بالدرجات إلى الراديان، وقياس الزاوية المكتوبة بالراديان إلى الدرجات في كلّ ممّا يأتي:

9) -225o

begin mathsize 20px style negative 225 to the power of ring operator cross times fraction numerator pi r a d over denominator 180 to the power of ring operator end fraction equals negative fraction numerator 5 pi over denominator 4 end fraction r a d end style

10) -135o

begin mathsize 20px style negative 135 to the power of ring operator cross times fraction numerator pi rad over denominator 180 to the power of ring operator end fraction equals negative fraction numerator 3 pi over denominator 4 end fraction rad end style

11) -75o

begin mathsize 20px style 75 to the power of ring operator cross times fraction numerator pi rad over denominator 180 to the power of ring operator end fraction equals fraction numerator 5 pi over denominator 12 end fraction rad end style

12) 500o

begin mathsize 20px style 500 to the power of ring operator cross times fraction numerator pi rad over denominator 180 to the power of ring operator end fraction equals fraction numerator 25 pi over denominator 9 end fraction rad end style

13) - begin mathsize 20px style straight pi over 7 end style 

begin mathsize 20px style negative pi over 7 cross times fraction numerator 180 to the power of ring operator over denominator pi rad end fraction equals negative 180 to the power of ring operator over 7 end style

14)  begin mathsize 20px style fraction numerator 5 straight pi over denominator 12 end fraction end style

begin mathsize 20px style fraction numerator 5 pi over denominator 12 end fraction cross times fraction numerator 180 to the power of ring operator over denominator pi r a d end fraction equals 75 to the power of ring operator end style

15) 1.2

begin mathsize 20px style 1.2 cross times fraction numerator 180 to the power of ring operator over denominator pi rad end fraction equals 216 to the power of ring operator over pi end style

16) 4

begin mathsize 20px style 4 cross times fraction numerator 180 to the power of ring operator over denominator pi rad end fraction equals 720 to the power of ring operator over pi end style


أجد زاويتين إحداهما قياسها موجب، والأخرى قياسها سالب، وكلتاهما مُشتركة في ضلع الانتهاء مع كل زاوية معطاة مما يأتي ثم أرسمهما:

17) 50o

begin mathsize 20px style table attributes columnalign right left right left right left right left right left right left columnspacing 0em 2em 0em 2em 0em 2em 0em 2em 0em 2em 0em end attributes row blank cell 50 to the power of ring operator plus 360 to the power of ring operator left parenthesis 1 right parenthesis equals 410 to the power of ring operator end cell row blank cell 50 to the power of ring operator plus 360 to the power of ring operator left parenthesis negative 1 right parenthesis equals negative 310 to the power of ring operator end cell end table end style

18) 135o

begin mathsize 20px style table attributes columnalign right left right left right left right left right left right left columnspacing 0em 2em 0em 2em 0em 2em 0em 2em 0em 2em 0em end attributes row blank cell 135 to the power of ring operator plus 360 to the power of ring operator left parenthesis 1 right parenthesis equals 495 to the power of ring operator end cell row blank cell 135 to the power of ring operator plus 360 to the power of ring operator left parenthesis negative 1 right parenthesis equals negative 225 to the power of ring operator end cell end table end style

19) 1290o

begin mathsize 20px style table attributes columnalign right left right left right left right left right left right left columnspacing 0em 2em 0em 2em 0em 2em 0em 2em 0em 2em 0em end attributes row blank cell 1290 to the power of ring operator plus 360 to the power of ring operator left parenthesis 3 right parenthesis equals 210 to the power of ring operator end cell row blank cell 1290 to the power of ring operator plus 360 to the power of ring operator left parenthesis negative 4 right parenthesis equals negative 150 to the power of ring operator end cell end table end style

20) -150o

begin mathsize 20px style table attributes columnalign right left right left right left right left right left right left columnspacing 0em 2em 0em 2em 0em 2em 0em 2em 0em 2em 0em end attributes row blank cell negative 150 to the power of ring operator plus 360 to the power of ring operator left parenthesis 1 right parenthesis equals 210 to the power of ring operator end cell row blank cell negative 150 to the power of ring operator plus 360 to the power of ring operator left parenthesis negative 1 right parenthesis equals negative 510 to the power of ring operator end cell end table end style

21) begin mathsize 20px style equals 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared cross times pi over 2 plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 square root of 2 right parenthesis squared cross times fraction numerator 3 pi over denominator 4 end fraction almost equal to 464.9 cm squared end style  

begin mathsize 20px style equals 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared cross times pi over 2 plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 square root of 2 right parenthesis squared cross times fraction numerator 3 pi over denominator 4 end fraction almost equal to 464.9 cm squared end style

22) - begin mathsize 20px style equals 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared cross times pi over 2 plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 square root of 2 right parenthesis squared cross times fraction numerator 3 pi over denominator 4 end fraction almost equal to 464.9 cm squared end style

begin mathsize 20px style equals 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared cross times pi over 2 plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 square root of 2 right parenthesis squared cross times fraction numerator 3 pi over denominator 4 end fraction almost equal to 464.9 cm squared end style

23) - begin mathsize 20px style equals 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared cross times pi over 2 plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 square root of 2 right parenthesis squared cross times fraction numerator 3 pi over denominator 4 end fraction almost equal to 464.9 cm squared end style

begin mathsize 20px style equals 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared cross times pi over 2 plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 square root of 2 right parenthesis squared cross times fraction numerator 3 pi over denominator 4 end fraction almost equal to 464.9 cm squared end style

24) begin mathsize 20px style equals 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared cross times pi over 2 plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 square root of 2 right parenthesis squared cross times fraction numerator 3 pi over denominator 4 end fraction almost equal to 464.9 cm squared end style

begin mathsize 20px style equals 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared cross times pi over 2 plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 square root of 2 right parenthesis squared cross times fraction numerator 3 pi over denominator 4 end fraction almost equal to 464.9 cm squared end style


أجد طول القوس ومساحة القطاع في كل مما يأتي، مقرباً إجابتي إلى أقرب جزء من عشرة:


قياس الزاوية بالراديان

begin mathsize 20px style equals 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared cross times pi over 2 plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 square root of 2 right parenthesis squared cross times fraction numerator 3 pi over denominator 4 end fraction almost equal to 464.9 cm squared end style


قياس الزاوية بالراديان

begin mathsize 20px style equals 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared cross times pi over 2 plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 square root of 2 right parenthesis squared cross times fraction numerator 3 pi over denominator 4 end fraction almost equal to 464.9 cm squared end style


قياس الزاوية بالراديان

begin mathsize 20px style equals 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared cross times pi over 2 plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 square root of 2 right parenthesis squared cross times fraction numerator 3 pi over denominator 4 end fraction almost equal to 464.9 cm squared end style


يمثل الشكل المظلل المجاور جزءاً من قطاع دائري:

جزءاً من قطاع دائري

(28) أجد مساحة هذا الشكل.

begin mathsize 20px style equals 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared cross times pi over 2 plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 square root of 2 right parenthesis squared cross times fraction numerator 3 pi over denominator 4 end fraction almost equal to 464.9 cm squared end style

(29) أجد محيط هذا الشكل.

begin mathsize 20px style equals 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared cross times pi over 2 plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 square root of 2 right parenthesis squared cross times fraction numerator 3 pi over denominator 4 end fraction almost equal to 464.9 cm squared end style


(30) قطاع دائري مساحته 500 cm2، وطول قوسه 20 cm، أجد قياس زاويته بالراديان.

begin mathsize 20px style equals 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared cross times pi over 2 plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 square root of 2 right parenthesis squared cross times fraction numerator 3 pi over denominator 4 end fraction almost equal to 464.9 cm squared end style


(31)مجداف لقياس سرعة التيارات المائية تيار ماء: استعمل العلماء مجداف لقياس سرعة التيارات المائية بناءً على معدّل الدوران. أجد سرعة تيار مائي بالمتر لكل ثانية إذا دارت العجلة 100 دورة في الدقيقة، علماً بأّن طول عجلة المجداف (المسافة من مركز الدائرة إلى طرف المجداف) هو 0.20 m

begin mathsize 20px style equals 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared cross times pi over 2 plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 square root of 2 right parenthesis squared cross times fraction numerator 3 pi over denominator 4 end fraction almost equal to 464.9 cm squared end style




(32) يدوّر طفل حجراً مربوطاً بطرف حبل طوله 3 ft بمعدّل 15 دورة في 10 ثوانٍ. أجد السرعة الزاويّة والسرعة الخطية للحجر.

begin mathsize 20px style equals 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared cross times pi over 2 plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 square root of 2 right parenthesis squared cross times fraction numerator 3 pi over denominator 4 end fraction almost equal to 464.9 cm squared end style


شفرة منشار دائرية الشكلقطر شفرة منشار دائرية الشكل 7.5 in، وهي تدور 2400 دورة في الدقيقة:

(33) أجد السرعة الزاويّة لهذه الشفرة بالراديان لكل ثانية.

begin mathsize 20px style equals 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared cross times pi over 2 plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 square root of 2 right parenthesis squared cross times fraction numerator 3 pi over denominator 4 end fraction almost equal to 464.9 cm squared end style

(34) أجد السرعة الخطية لأسنان المنشار عند ملامستها الخشب المراد قطعه.

begin mathsize 20px style equals 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared cross times pi over 2 plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared plus 1 half left parenthesis 10 square root of 2 right parenthesis squared cross times fraction numerator 3 pi over denominator 4 end fraction almost equal to 464.9 cm squared end style

إعداد : شبكة منهاجي التعليمية

25 / 02 / 2023
